
  • A little glimpse into my life……

    On June 4, 2008 it was exactly 6 years since we pulled our U-Haul up to 78 Highland Place in Brooklyn, NY.  We were so very green and it makes me laugh when I think about it.  We made sure someone was with the U-Haul at all times while it was parked out on the scary street in case of a daylight robbery.  When we arrived our apartment wasn’t completely renovated like they had said it would be.  The hardwood flooring was nice but it was splattered with paint galore so we made a quick decision to install carpet.  Quick being the keyword here….we had carpet installed in the next couple of hours so we could move our belongings in so we could return the U-Haul on time so we wouldn’t be charge a large sum of money for being late.  My sister Andrea and her husband Josh and my little brother Jon were our helpers.  I don’t know how we would have done it without them.  Words can’t even describe how I felt that day….of course there was a knot in my stomach and it didn’t help that we ate at the local Wendy’s that day and my bread had mold on it.  Some kind folks from church stopped by that afternoon and invited us over for desert that evening but I was feeling very sickly and nervous. Everyone went except for me, they also wanted to take showers.  Our shower was beyond gross.  I remember laying down somewhere in our apartment and crying and crying.  Everyone was a stranger except for the kind girl that invited us over for desert.  The city was such a different place than where I was from.  A small town  in Southern Indiana was where I had called home for 25 yrs.  I just wanted to go back there where everything was familiar and I had the security of family and my little niche.  I had left a job that I liked and had worked my way up to a managerial position.  I didn’t have any kind of a job lined up when we moved here.  If I had it to do over I would have tried to get into a nursing program at a college somewhere.  Josh started at Brooklyn College soon after we moved and then started teaching school in the fall.  That summer consisted of me staying in the apartment all day because I was scared to go out  by myself.  One day I ventured out to do my laundry at the laundromat and of all days someone shot a gun right outside the laundromat door.  At first I didn’t even think about  it but when I seen all the ladies at the laundromat  panic I remembered that I lived in the city and people aren’t supposed to shoot guns.  I come from redneckville where gun shots are heard from shooting birds or clay pigeons etc….Anyway that put quite a lot of fear in me.  I thought for sure that was a daily happening around here after that episode. (I think we’ve only had 2 or 3 shooting right out here since we’ve lived on this street). I remember begging Josh to please move us back to Indiana but that wasn’t his plan or God’s.  I kept thinking in the back of my mind that if I can just stick this out for two years (the length of the Teaching Fellows Program) we are so outta here.  I’m packing the bags and moving back to Indiana.  Looking back I see what a control freak I was. (I still have those tendencies, God help me) Obviously, this was not an easy time, to put it mildly, for our marriage.  I think this was probably the first time in my life that something big and something that really mattered to me absolutely was not going the way I wanted it to.  AND I DID NOT LIKE IT.  Don’t you think that happens to all us at some point in our lives?  At this point you either become bitter and hard OR you surrender yourself to God. I’m afraid I didn’t surrender very easily….I fought for a long time.  Sometimes I still do.  People ask me, “So do you like the city better?”  In reality I don’t like city life but I feel like I’ve come to accept that this is where God has called us for now.  We have good friends here and a church that we really like.  I feel a deep sadness sometimes that my children aren’t growing up the way I did.  (A great big yard to play in, a woods to build teepee’s in with a special cousin, a driveway to make little road’s in, eating summer veggies out of the garden, etc…)  But on the flip side Jackson probably gets to go to the zoo and the aquarium much more than “country kids” get to.  The other week when we flew to South Carolina we were flying over the city here and he looked out the window and pointed out the Empire State Building and named it!  I couldn’t have done that when I was three.  
    Sometimes I wonder what lessons God is trying to teach me.  I am in the process of learning to take life as it comes.  There has been lots of change again in our lives recently….I honestly believe God gave me the grace to go through each day and trust in him.  Why do I have to make it so difficult sometimes?  I am so grateful for my husband, my children and my loving family that supports me.  My mom often gives me garden goodies that she toils over (corn, green beans etc…) my Dad looks for little country toys that he thinks Jackson might like.  They buy slip n slides so Jack n Jill can play in the water. 
    Now I feel like I’m rambling….maybe there will be a part two to this someday.
    Please pray for me ,

  • We’ve Almost Made It!!!!!!

    About six weeks ago I wrote that Josh had started a six week intensive program to learn how to become a principal…..well, I must say it’s been a long six weeks.  It was a lot more “intense” than either of us had anticipated with him working almost every evening and some Saturday’s.  This is the last week and we are both looking forward to Saturday when we can get into our little green minivan and head west to Grandpa Yoder’s house!!!  I usually dread that long 14 hour drive but this time I am looking forward to it…..we get to have family time for a long time.  When hour #12 comes along I might be singing a different tune…. 
    Anyway, I’m quite proud of my husband for (almost) completing this six program.  This coming school year he will be doing an internship with a principal at a school that we haven’t been informed of the whereabouts yet. 
    I’ve also been made aware of some things inside of Tonya that I didn’t know before!  Wow, children can really bring out the yuckies inside of a person.  I had to apologize to my 3 year old more than once.  My baby girl Jillian is another story….let’s just say she needs her father around again! 
    Josh bought tickets for Jack n Jill n I to fly down to South Carolina to see my sister Andrea and her family last week.  We had a good time and I got to see most of my other siblings and some old friends.  I sure did miss Josh, it’s just not quite as fun to go somewhere without him
    In other news Jillian Esther celebrated her 1st birthday July 26th by not digging in her cake because she is extremely clean and afterwards headed to a members meeting at church with her parents of all things.  So much for a fun birthday.  I forgot something, Jackson blew out the candle and tried to dig in the cake.  Jill started walking the week before her birthday for those of you who care.  (I write these things on here so I can write it in her baby book in a couple of years)  Anybody else behind with baby books?
    Well, I have accomplished 3 things today….. laundry, went to the park with the kids and updated xanga…..have a good day folks.
     JILLIAN ESTHER is 1!!!!

    This picture was taken after I took her hand and put it in the cake. 

    She won’t dig in her cake but she will sure eat sand.

    Jack n Jill playing boat
    (I don’t know what’s up with the cheesy grins)

    It was quite an adventure to go somewhere in SC with all four kids in their carseats.

    I’m proud of HIM!

    Jackson with his “octopus/butterfly/jellyfish” I made for him….the kid has quite an imagination.

  • All in a day’s work……

     Yesterday I……
    -did 4 loads of laundry (and folded and put it all away!)
    -made dinner for 60 VBS kids (with the help of cute Mary Roth)
    -baked 7 loaves of bread
    -took care of my 2 kiddos
    -went to the grocery store
    -paid bills
    -balanced the checkbook

    I actually enjoyed my very busy day….sometimes when I have so much to do in one day it motivates me to keep going and going.  I felt very satisfied when I went to bed last night. 

  • We’ve been having good family times lately….here are some pictures from some of them.

    Jackson loves the beach

    Jillian in her cage…she even took a nap in it.

    Our newest adventure is making homemade ice cream!


    She loves to play in the freezing cold water.

    Jack n Jill entertaining themselves with a cardboard box….it really is their favorite toy.


    Can’t believe this baby is almost one!

    Waiting for the concert to begin….we took our children to Prospect Park to hear some good opera…..you know it had to be the father’s idea. =) 

    We still have a little tourist left in us….The Green Lady herself. (that’s what Jackson calls her)

    In other news….Josh has officially quit his school teaching job.  He has been accepted into a leadership academy to learn how to become a  principal.  He is very busy so I am trying to keep the home fires burning…please pray for me that I would be gracious to him and my children the next six weeks.  I am excited for him and think that he will make a great leader. 
    We had a great time with our church last week-end.  We went camping in upstate New York.  Maybe there will be some pics of that in the near future.
    Some quotes from Jackson:  “My mosquito bites are still awake”, “Mom, I still have a head-stomach” (head-ache)
    He is quite naughty at times but I can’t help but love him.

  • Tonya’s odd day out….(in NYC)

    Today I took Jackson to get a haircut….the lady then proceeded to ask me if she could cut my sweet baby girls wisps of hair.  Of course I declined.  I mean what was she thinking?  I’m pretty sure Jillian doesn’t have split ends or damaged hair yet.  Does she think my baby looks funny?  I think she looks cute.  Of course I’m her Mom.  Let the baby’s glory grow!!!!!!

    A male employee at Target said to me, “Don’t let your baby girl chew on the safety strap, you never know where all it might have been.”  True, next time I won’t let her touch the cart either. 

    I nearly had an accident when a huge white van “forgot” to yield….he was actually racing to beat me.  Sometimes it’s so hard to have character like Jesus.  In a city where nearly everyone (or so it seems sometimes) is out for themselves it’s difficult to have a gracious spirit. 

    Anyway…enough ranting and raving…until the next time…

  • Jackson went to his first Broadway show the other night….Mary Poppins….he stayed up for the whole show.  We don’t take him to the “city” very often. 

    Celebrating Marilyn’s birthday….Annlyn K., Tonya G. (Me), Marilyn B., Cheryl B., Valerie M…..good times were had by all at the cute Thai restaurant on Jamaica Ave.

    Last Sunday some of our friends called and wondered if we wanted to go walk the boardwalk in the Rockaways….we got caught in the pouring rain but thankfully we found a tiny little shelter to hide in till the storm passed….Jillian’s hair gone wild.

    By the end of the evening this boy was soaking wet and racing around in the waves.  He seemed to be invigorated by the freezing temp of the water.  (Hyper to put it mildly)

    Once again….Jillian’s hair gone wild.

    After this adventure we all headed to the Goods (our apartment) for some good ole homemade ice cream….we just recently invested in a White Mountain ice cream freezer.  Does anyone out there have a good recipe….we are kind of picky….we refuse to eat raw eggs and we don’t like to much cream.  I would love to hear from you if you have a good one.
    Well, I must run along as my eye’s are getting blurry and wanting to close.

  • Pennsylvania, Virginia and home again………

    Only a few of the “Fox” cousins in Pennsylvania…………

    Josh singing with the little cousins

    Jackson experiencing the “country life”

    This happens when Jackson and Dad go to the zoo….pretty cute right?

    Baby Jillian is now 10 months old and walking around furniture and has two new teeth.

    Our trip to Grandpa Good’s in the beautiful Virginia……….

    A gorgeous view in Lynchburg, VA

    Jackson having his first motorcycle ride at Uncle Chris’s house.

    Jackson and his cousin India…they share the same birthday but are one year apart.


    What a grand time we had in Sarasota, FL….here are a few pictures to prove it.

    All you professional photographers out there please forgive us….we tried to take pictures in the BRIGHT sunlight….that was only the beginning of our trials.  Josh is cringing (inwardly and outwardly) about having to sit in the sand while the stiff sea breeze is taking baby Jillian’s breath away.  Tonya is trying to look like everything is happy and normal in her straight seat back position and Jackson has only been told 7 seven times to quit throwing sand….he probably has a few grains in his hands in this picture.  He also proceeds to have a meltdown when he gets some in his eye…..sound NORMAL anyone?

    Despite all that…..we are the “GOOD” family.

    Palm trees truly are beautiful…………………

    Good times were had by all………………….
    At Pinecraft Park

    At Starbucks

    Playing Memory with Grandpa

    The beautiful Siesta Key beach with my handsome husband

    Kenny and Jillian


    Little brothers….Kenny and Jon

    Jungle Gardens

    Father and Daughter…..notice Jillian is listening to some tunes too.

    We came back to chilly New York on Monday eve after an eventful day of flying on three different airplanes….I don’t want to get on an airplane for a long time….thank God we got home safely.  
    The green leaves made their appearance while we were gone so it does seem a little more springy around here.
    See ya.

  • Some new and old photos

    Jillian & Jackson after church yesterday

    Jillian’s Big Blues

    I’ve been crawling since I’m seven mo. old.

    One of my favorites

    A beautiful waterfall in SC along with my dear husband and daughter.

    My dear sisters who I really miss.

    Dear Grandma really misses her grandbabies too!

    Jackson is proud big brother.


    Jackson and his “Good” cousins having a ball in the sprinkler and then having a watermelon snack.  (Jackie is in the back with the tight blue swimmer.

    We frequent the Bronx Zoo quite often.

     My most favorite picture ever.

    Another sprinkler summer pic.

    An attempt of a family picture in South Carolina, October 2007.
    Notice our kids are wailing.  Very stressful.

    Jackson having the time of his life at “Aunt Jennifer’s”

    I guess this is mostly a picture post….we’ve been good….we are headed to FL in about 5 days for Spring Break….I can’t wait.


    This is pretty much Jackson’s outlook on life…..he’s a very talkative and lively boy.

    Baby Jill’s first piggies….gotta have one of those pics.

    Sunday evening popcorn party at the Good’s.

    Jackson giving Jill a “ride”.

    Jillian with her “Yoder” cousins…..in South Carolina.

    Josh and Jackson going sledding…..notice our poor son’s “boots”.